So many changes

What a year it has been. Actually two years. Let me do a catch up.

Two years ago, the owners of my company decided to sell and we were purchased by two new owners. Everything has been going pretty good. We were initially moving our offices and the drive for me would have increased a good 45 minutes. Thankfully, that fell through, and we are staying in our current location for the foreseeable future.

Second change is that my old roommate, who was, I guess, my best friend, moved out and stopped talking to me. Probably something I did but since she didn’t say what it was…I couldn’t tell ya! Anyway..I’m ok with that actually. It was past time for me to be on my own. So..a good thing, but also means that I’m paying more bills now.

As usually, I am always thinking about what the next plan for me will be. If anything should change drastically, I would like to have some options.

Anyways…just a short update on life.